

General - Temperance (R) Health - Sun (U) Work - Page of Wands (U) Luck - Page of Pentacles (R) Advice - Queen of Wands (U)

This may be a time period where Kanade may think she can figure things out herself, and doesn't need to rely on the advice of others. However, this can also lead others into thinking that Kanade doesn't listen to people, so she should still at least hear people out. The theme of her year will be balancing how much she does on her own vs. how she listens to others, and probably should make sure she listens to advice.

She shouldn't expect any health issues this year, and in fact, she should expect to be in good spirits throughout.

In terms of work, her card shows that she is on the right path toward her dreams. However, it is simply the path there, so she needs to focus on the present and handle it so she reaches her dreams.

It also seems like Kanade will feel lonely this year. All four of her non-general cards showcase solitary figures. In response, Kanade asks Mio to hang out somewhere together.

Luck-wise, she probably will be unlucky this year. In matters related to luck, it'll be important for Kanade to change perspective and approach to them. Gambling will carry large risk. Kanade laments saying she wants to gamble, and that she promised she'd do some horse race betting with Lui, and Mio says that she might end up wasting both time and money... she recommends Kanade don't bet based on pretty horses, but which one looks tough ones and ready to win.

As for advice, Mio recommends that Kanade approach this year by handle things early and staying prepared, rather than leaving them to the last minute and scrambling for a solution. She should also avoid getting too anxious about how things need to turn out (like fretting over preparing for something and worrying constantly about it not turning out the right way) and maintain a relaxed mindset, confident that things will be alright.



General - Moon (U) Health - Knight of Cups (R) Work - Page of Pentacles (U) Luck - Six of Cups (R) Advice - Queen of Swords (U)

This is a year that could be a year that could easily become unsteady for her. Where it's hard for Ririka to get thoughts together and one where she may worry easily about things easily. Mio recommends that she take a relaxed stance, "whatever will be will be."

Health-wise, 2025 looks like a year that could be one of emotional turmoil for Ririka, where it may be harder to be as happy as she'd hoped. While there shouldn't be anything serious or huge, things may err on the side of being somewhat disappointing at times.

Her luck isn't looking up this year. If she compares her luck this year constantly to luck in prior years and tries to win things in similar ways, she's more likely to fail.

However, the efforts put in over time will bear fruit. It'll be important for Ririka to know when to trust work to others and to keep up consistent effort, and she'll be rewarded.

As for advice, Mio tells Ririka the importance of her alone time. She should trust others to handle things so that she can relax when necessary. This will also be a year where she can really let out her own unique personality quirks.



General - Star (U) Health - The World (R) Work - Ace of Wands (U) Luck - Judgement (R) Advice - King of Cups (U)

Very fortunate card for her general luck. Vivi seems like she'll be prepared to have the momentum to race toward the future she wants.

Health-wise, Vivi should have to worry about being lazy/sloppy, as sickness will probably strike her when guard is down. Vivi should make sure to sweat the small stuff and keep health guarded.

Luck-wise, Vivi may struggle with poor timing. Like having the potential to have won big, but missing it by just a bit. In order to improve her luck, Vivi should keep firm goals in mind, and prep to meet those goals.

Work-wise, it looks to be a good year for Vivi. Her card represents good beginnings, Mio expects her to be able to find new sponsorship opportunities. She also notes that her card represents forming stronger bonds with teams and moving forward with them.

As for Vivi's advice, Mio says that Vivi should stay relaxed while she takes on new challenges. Vivi should take on challenges with the knowledge that she has allies that have her back, and that she's supported in her endeavors. Mio lets her know that hololive members are all very kind hearted and will help her, and Vivi says that she feels that strongly. Before even really talking to one another, Vivi got a list of recommended games from Mio. Mio says they ought to collab and go eat together sometime, Vivi says she's gonna hold her to that promise.



General - Lovers (R) Health - Page of Wands (U) Work - Lovers (U) Luck - 2 of Pentacles (R) Advice - Ace of Swords (U)

Seems like a year for Subaru might be kinda air headed, and not focused.

Health seems fine, no big issues. As long as she considers her health and what condition she needs to be in for her goals, she ought to be fine.

In regards to gambling, her luck isn't great. But if she is gonna take on some gambling, she should take it seriously.

Subaru will enjoy work and do things that she wants to do. It should be a comfortable year in terms of work for Subaru.

For advice, Subaru is advised to take on new challenges. New things will work out well surprisingly for her. Luckily, Subaru was just thinking of doing that anyway. Mio's other piece of advice is to make sure Subaru actually takes other people's advice and consolidate it.



General - World (U) Health - 3 of Swords (U) Work - The Fool (U) Luck - Six of Wands (U) Advice - 9 of Pentacles (R)

Mio says that while Hajime put in a lot of effort into 2024, this year looks like a year where she can put even more effort into things. Hajime can feel like things have stepped up since 2024.

However... her health doesn't seem good. Mio warns of something suddenly impact her, and Hajime should go to a doctor as soon as she feels something is unusual. Hajime says she hates going to the doctor. Mio says she understands how she feels, but reassures her saying she'll get over it if she gets hospitalized, but that just scares Hajime even more.

Luck should be overall good for her. If she goes into things relying on luck hoping for a certain outcome, things will be close to what she hopes, if not exactly what she was hoping for.

As for work, Mio says that this year seems to be good for Hajime, specifically in terms of creativity. Hajime will be able to come up with new ideas and stuff for content. Hajime is a little anxious because she's gotten so much good fortune, and Mio reminds her that her health is still in a dangerous spot so she still needs to be careful.

For advice, Mio says that Hajime should live this year honestly. Don't make up random lies or excuses, just live true to herself.



General - Moon (R) Health - Death (R) Work - Knight of Swords (R) Luck - 9 of Swords (U) Advice - Ace of Cups (U)

Mio says that the things that Fuwawa has worried about will clear away during this year. It'll be a year of things becoming more comfortable and anxieties fading.

Fuwawa is initially scared of drawing reversed Death for her health, but it simply represents that Fuwawa's health will be about the same as usual. Mio says that if she doesn't feel like anything's been bad, there's nothing to change or worry about.

Fuwawa doesn't have good luck, and should avoid gambling. Fuwawa says she didn't have any plans to gamble anyway. Mio says that in the off chance she does, Fuwawa is likely to regret decisions making one decision over another. Mio advises Fuwawa to bring along someone who is lucky to improve her own luck. If Mococo turns out to be lucky, that'd be perfect for her.

Mio says that Fuwawa should avoid making herself too busy. It's a year where taking on too much will leave Fuwawa susceptible to mistakes. Mio also advises Fuwawa against doing things without preparation, as she may end up regretting them.

As for advice, this is a year where Fuwawa should focus on what she truly wants. As this is a year where a lot of her anxieties may fade, she should get a clearer picture of her goal, and decide what kind of year she wants for herself. She can set a lot of goals for herself, it's how much work she takes on she needs to worry about.



General - Star (R) Health - 5 of Cups (R) Work - Justice (R) Luck - 4 of Pentacles (U) Advice - Knight of Cups (R)

Mio points out that the major arcana both of them drew actually come in order, perfect for the twins. In contrast to Fuwawa, this year will be a year where Mococo may have a lot of anxieties. Mococo says she's always like that, but Mio says this year may be especially so. She suggests trying to steel her heart and just take things as they come. Perhaps by working with Fuwawa, she might be able to get some of her own anxieties cleared too.

As for health, things that have been plaguing Mococo up until now should start moving toward a better direction. It's overall a good look for her.

Mococo should be lucky this year. Mococo should be able to confidently feel that her luck is her own, and "protect it," so to speak. As long as she takes things on responsibly, her luck will be good.

For work, Mococo may get frustrated with having to do work she doesn't want to do. Mococo should make sure to do the work anyway even if it's not something she necessarily likes doing. Doing so will improve her fortunes.

Mio's advice to Mococo for this year is that she should value her own opinion, and make sure it is heard. She should also make sure the people around her avoid scams and such. Fuwamoco then share a story of being suckered into buying very expensive cheesecake slices last year. Mio asks if it was at least good and they said it was kinda mid honestly.



General - Hanged Man (U) Health - Chariot (R) Work - King of Swords Luck - 4 of Pentacles (R) Advice - 9 of Swords

This will be a year that favors thinking alone, and calmly analyzing situations. Mio thinks that calmly thinking over things and working on things little by little will work out in her favor, rather than some sort of overly flashy display.

Health-wise, it may be a tumultuous year for Riona, things going well then suddenly badly, then well again, and so on. Finding stability in when to rest and when not to will be key in getting through the year.

Her luck is not looking good this year. Missed opportunities and such are likely to find their way to her. Mio says that instead of aiming to win big, aiming to enjoy herself and be willing to lose will favor her throughout the year.

Work-wise, Riona seems like she'll get a lot of work that has her handling specific roles, like MCing and such. However, Riona shouldn't just thoughtlessly take on work, but instead discuss work with the people around her to figure out the best approach. Overall, her fortune isn't too bad.

For her 2025 advice, Mio tells Riona don't give up hope even if things some tough. If she's worried about something, she should take action before she regrets it. This is also a year where Riona should focus on what she has and appreciate it before she laments what she does not have (yet). With the Hanged Man as her main card, rather that going wild, 2025 should be a year where Riona finds her own pace and not fret too much.



General - Hierophant (R) Health - Judgement (U) Work - 7 of Cups (U) Luck - Queen of Pentacles (R) Advice - 10 of Wands (R)

2025 looks to be a year where Ollie wants to push boundaries/break rules. Ollie may find herself having find pushing these boundaries, but the people around her will worry about her as she stretches the line of what may or may not be okay. This year Ollie seems like she can become particularly... crazy. Mio says she should at least watch out to make sure she keep promises and agreements.

Her health looks to be fine. Ollie should be able to monitor herself well and make smart choices to keep herself in good health.

Her luck is kind of complicated. Ollie's luck will be better if she's more of a contrarian, going against the grain. When it comes to gambling, Ollie should ignore advice and go nuts.

It seems that Ollie will get many work opportunities. However, if Ollie takes on everything they'll all end up going poorly. Though she'll have many choices, she should choose carefully to ensure that her work gives a result she's satisfied with. But she'll at least definitely get opportunities, so she won't have to worry about that.

Mio's advice to Ollie is that the year is one that can easily become overwhelming for her, so she don't hold onto everything. Overall, the main messages are against taking on too much, and to make sure she sees things through to the end, don't give up part way. Since her health should be good this year, Mio thinks Ollie should at least have some wiggle room in terms of pushing her limits every now and then to get things to work out.



General - Strength (R) Health - Six of Wands (U) Work - 7 of Wands (U) Luck - of Pentacles (R) Advice - The World (R)

2025 seems to be a year where it'll be easy for Bae to lose strength. Basically, she'll be vulnerable to anxiety and fear, wondering if she's on the right track and considering giving up on things midway. Mio feels that she can overcome these hurdles by being open with anxieties and sending out an SOS for help. Overall, nothing MAJOR should happen, and so long as she seeks help when she needs it, Bae can still have good fortune overall.

Her health looks to be good. In fact, it's very good! No problems to expect. As long as Bae doesn't change lifestyle drastically then things ought to go well.

Her luck this year won't be bad... but won't meet expectations. She'll often get a result that's pretty damn good, especially compared to most people, but she'll end up feeling like she wanted something better regardless. Mio suggests Bae try different gambling strategies than what she's used up until now whenever she goes for gambling type things, but that also depends on the type of gamble she's making.

Work will probably be pretty good for her as well. She can look forward to a particularly good opportunity with creative control. She should also make sure not to forget the people working along side her are there to help her.

Mio's advice to Bae is that when aiming for a big goal to not forget that she has to get there via smaller steps too. She shouldn't think she can just skip through things, nor should she give up part way. Mio also suggests that not lending too much of an ear to people talking down about her, like antis and such.



General - Star (U) Health - 8 of Wands (R) Work - Ace of Cups (U) Luck - 10 Of Swords (R) Advice - Death (U)

Like Vivi, Chihaya has drawn the star of hope. Through that hope, Chihaya will be able to ride momentum toward her future she wants to achieve. 2025 should be a good year.

It seems like while Chihaya's health has been pretty okay so far, something may suddenly crop up. She should be wary of potential sudden shifts in her health and be proactive in guarding it. Mio also gives her her spiel on maintaining humidity to keep her throat in good shape.

Her luck doesn't seem very good. Chihaya herself is not the type to seek out thrills through gambling, but she'll get into it if she ends up doing it. Her luck will likely shift accordingly to her passion for whatever she's putting her bets on. The less passionate she is, the worse her luck.

Work wise, she's likely to find sponsorship that matches her particular interests, and work offers are likely to be comfortable things she can take on.

Her advice for the year is that if Chihaya finds herself doubting the way something is going, don't be afraid to start over from scratch. She should also keep a fresh perspective of things in mind, and to believe that good things will come.



General - Emperor (R) Health - Two of Cups (R) Work - Five of Wands (R) Luck - Page of Cups (U) Advice - Page of Pentacles (U)

Su is incredibly relieved to hear that the Emperor card is good upright or reversed. Only, there is a bit of a catch, being reversed means that she can come off as intimidating this year, and Su is pretty sure she has a good idea of what that means. Mio suggests that Su remind people that she can actually be pretty kind every now and then, even if it's just momentary or just for looks. Otherwise, things should work out pretty well if she makes sure to consider opinions of others around her.

Health-wise... her health fortune says she'll have difficulty opening her heart to people and relying on others, even though that's something she kind of needs to do. If she fails to open her heart, it can lead to emotional pain throughout the year. Her phyiscal health will be okay though! Su panics though since she still has a good idea of what that fortune could be referring to.

When it comes to luck, Su's luck is not great. In terms of gambling, she'll be prone to negativity and doubts about her ability to wins. Mio warns that being excessively negative in her expectations will make them reality, so she should focus on trying to find ways to be optimistic.

Her work card is actually better when reversed, and it is indeed reversed. Mio feels strong conviction to achieve goals from Su and that others will feel that too, helping them get her the kind of work she wants. However, she should be wary because her hard work aura might be intimidating and off putting, so she should know when to restrain herself every now and then.

Mio's advice to Su is to remember that work she puts in now will pay off later. Whenever Su is uncertain about choices, she should take the safer option. Being smart and taking the road that works will lead to her to where she wants to go eventually.



General - High Priestess (U) Health - The Star (R) Work - 3 of Wands (R) Luck - 6 of Pentacles (R) Advice - Two of Swords (R)

2025 looks to be a good year for Anya, especially if she approaches it utilizing her knowledge and stays calm. She'll be able to think about what's truly important to her this year, and figure out what kind of goal she wants.

Anya also notices all of her cards are reversed, and Mio notes that people who have a tendency to draw reversed cards tend to think pretty differently from the people around them, for better or worse.

Anya's health fortune does not look great, and Mio warns her to take care of it. Anya feels like she's been pretty good about her health so far though, and Mio says that her card represents things that have been good until now may suddenly turn this year.

Her luck seems like it'll be prone to interference. For matters related to gambling, Anya may not be able to focus too well because of these disturbances. Up until now, Anya has just gone with the flow for gambling, and wonders if focus is even necessary, but Mio suggests having good focus and knowing what information to take in will help her overcome misfortune.

Mio warns that for work, Anya should expect delays and postponements. She shouldn't let those things get to her too much, and maintaining her mental health will be important. Though things may get delayed, they'll still happen. Also, she might think work opportunities more difficult to find, but they'll be there if she focuses.

Mio's advice to Anya for 2025 is that Anya seems prone to keeping things to herself and trying to take things on solo, but she should try to open up a bit. But unlike other cards that offer similar perspectives, Anya should be wary because just because someone is near her, that does not mean they have her best interest in mind. Anya will need to know who she can trust and open up to them, and who not to let interfere with her.



General - Magician (R) Health - Justice (R) Work - 6 of Wands (U) Luck - 8 of Cups (R) Advice - Knight of Wands (U)

2025 is a year that will focus on Botan's ability to explaining why she wants to do things, as it may not be clear as to what the intent behind some of her projects are. Being able to convey intent behind creative actions will be key in having others help her achieve what she wants.

Health-wise, Botan needs to focus on maintaining a work-life balance to not poorly affect health. She should take note of things in case she gets work that suddenly forces her to work at a pace she's not comfortable with.

Luck-wise, she doesn't have poor luck. Things that didn't go well before may turn out well this time. She should also avoid being excessively negative and giving up before she's given something a shot.

Work looks good for Botan. She can expect to achieve goals, to be rewarded for her efforts, and for people to be noticed of her. Doesn't seem like she'll have much to worry about.

Mio's advice to Botan for 2025 is that momentum is important. Rather than getting bogged down by excessive thinking, she should take action so things start moving. Doing so will help her actually reach the results she wants. In summary, as long as she's able to explain actions to those around her, she's free to act pretty freely and quickly, and people will act with her.



General - Justice (U) Health - 10 of Pentacles (R) Work - 5 of Wands (U) Luck - Hierophant (U) Advice - 10 of Cups (R)

2025 looks to be a year where Watame can avoid being swayed by emotion and make rational, fair, and correct decisions. Mio does warn her that it isn't a year where she can rely on luck, she'll need to be able to assess whether or not she has the skills to do something or not. But overall, Mio thinks it will be a good year for her.

Watame should be wary of exhaustion piling up, even if she feels like she's been able to handle a certain load before. Exhaustion will lead to her health getting worse and worse, so she should avoid being overconfident in her stamina and take breaks when she starts feeling tired.

Watame's Work fortune card represents "fighting spirit." Despite the card showcasing ferocity and fervor, upright, it means Watame can have this kind of fighting spirit but remain calm and rational. She'll be able to, at minimum, find a pathway toward goals.

Despite not being able to rely on luck, she still will have good luck this year. In regards things to gambling, she'll have better fortune the more good deeds she does for others.

Mio's advice to Watame is to not lose heart, be brave, and not linger on past losses too long. Watame should look to the future. Watame jokes that she'll make hell streams and drag people down into them without fear! Mio warns Watame that if you're gonna have people do crazy stuff in your stream ideas, you gotta be prepared to do those things too.



General - Temperance (U) Health - 5 of Cups (U) Work - Queen of Swords (R) Luck - 4 of Cups (U) Advice - 3 of Cups (U)

2025 looks to be a year where Matsuri can listen to others more easily, and accept more advice. In line with Matsuri's goal of collabing with more people, being a better listener this year is sure to help her.

Matsuri may struggle to achieve health results she sets out to achieve, especially if she remains susceptible to exhaustion. Mio advises against sleeping excessively too, and making sure to do stuff like exercise or drink coffee if she needs something to help her stay awake.

In regards to luck, Mio feels like 2025 may be a year of hesitation when it comes to luck related affairs for Matsuri. However, that hesitation will lead to worse results. She'll need self-confidence to increase her odds.

In regards to work, Matsuri may be susceptible to being pessimistic about work in 2025. Mio also warns against being too nervous, because those nerves will make it easier for her to make mistakes. Matsuri whimpers that she's always nervous about stuff though, and Mio suggests practicing enough to feel confident in whatever she does. Instead of thinking "I gotta stand out, I gotta make sure I don't screw up my part!" she should think more like "Just gotta do this like I did in practice, I got this."

Mio's advice to Matsuri is to focus on controlling emotions properly and taking care of her mental state. She should also cherish her own aspects of herself that make her who she is, and not force herself to be more like something else (the chat jokes she should give up calling herself seiso).



General - Chariot (R) Health - 9 of Swords (R) Work - Hanged Man (R) Luck - 7 of Swords (U) Advice - Page of Pentacles (R)

2025 looks to be a year where Noel goes off the rails (which is what Mio drew for herself too). It's a year where Noel will get a lot of momentum and can achieve a lot so long as she can control that momentum, but unfortunately it's going to be difficult to be within her control. Still, momentum being on her side is a good thing regardless.

This year seems like one where it's easy for her to get sad. Mio says to not ignore sadness and to take measures to fight it, whether that be to seek advice from friends, spend time with family, etc.

Luck is not on her side either, especially if she's with other people. Gambling stuff will turn out better for Noel if she does it alone, as her luck is likely to be siphoned by the people around her.

When it comes to work, Noel may struggle to see herself objectively, and liable to panic if she feels like she's put in a disadvantageous spot. Mio says it'll be a struggle for Noel because thinking through things calmly and objectively will help her get through the year... but reversed chariot for her general fortune means she'll struggle with that overall. Noel says she'll seek her manager's help to stay grounded.

For Noel's 2025 advice, Mio says that for whatever Noel aims to do, she should make sure she practices. The experience she gains while practicing will definitely reward her in some way.



General - Empress (U) Health - Sun (U) Work - 8 of Pentacles (R) Luck - 9 of Wands (R) Advice - Queen of Pentacles (R)

The main word behind this card is "love." It represents that 2025 will be a year where Niko will be able to become more appealing, have more charm, and also be able to be more true to herself. Niko is really happy about that last bit. Overall, the year looks to be one where she can feel relaxed and get used to things.

Niko's health looks like it'll be just fine. Niko has been concerned about her health due to indegestion and such. Niko has been thinking of exercising more and such too.

As far as luck goes, Mio warns Niko to not be too greedy when gambling and the like. She should focus on winning and attaining a certain goal and not risking everything in an attempt to win big.

Mio warns Niko of overconfidence in regards to work. A healthy level of doubt will be the key to success. Niko feels like her fellow members are always telling her to have confidence in herself, so she wonders if she's fine where she's at, and Mio clarifies that overconfidence is the problem, not just having confidence.

Mio's advice for Niko to 2025 is to not drive herself into a corner, and that it's important to be able to differentiate whether she's being nice to someone or just plain spoiling them. In line with avoiding driving herself into a corner, that comes with avoiding overwork and fretting too much trying too hard to accomplish things.


La+'s Harem

Koyori: Wheel of Fortune (U) Towa: Emperor (R) Noel: The Hermit (R) Kanade: Death (R) Advice: Devil (R)

Mio says that Koyori may led around by Koyori, but Laplus may enjoy that actually.

As for Towa, Mio feels that Laplus has hidden desires for Towa, and that her feelings for her are not entirely pure.

Laplus' thoughts about Noel are a delusion. She's completely delusional about Noel.

Kanade might really like Laplus. But she definitely will never confess to Laplus. Ultimately, she's a tsundere waiting to be confessed to.

Mio's advice to Laplus is to ultimately believe in your heart, be honest with feelings, and go from there. Also, don't break the law. As far as 2025 goes though, Mio says Laplus can just enjoy the situation and have fun, she doesn't HAVE to decide.



General - Emperor (U) Health - The Fool (R) Work - The Hermit (R) Luck - King of Swords (U) Advice - 4 of Swords (R)

Looks to be a year where Towa can easily achieve goals that she wants to achieve while showcasing strong leadership qualities and charisma.

Health doesn't look great for her, she should especially be wary of long-distance trips.

Luck looks good for her. Working alongside her overall fortune, Towa can maintain an objective mindset to get good results.

Mio expects Towa to feel very strongly about her beliefs this year, but that may lead to her drowning out others' opinions and not lending an ear to the people around her as well. She should be wary of that and act accordingly to make sure people don't feel ignored.

For advice, Mio says that Towa will be full of energy this year. So she should actually be careful of not to skip breaks when she doesn't need to, as that may end up making her less healthy as a result.



General - Hanged Man (U) Health - Death (U) Work - Knight of Cups (R) Luck - 6 of Pentacles (R) Advice - Magician (R)

This may be a year where Iroha struggles to do some of the things she originally set out to do, but she'll still be able to objectively see things start piecing together toward the direction she wants. It's a year where things ought to stabilize for her, and become a new starting point.

Iroha can expect overall good fortune for her health. Things that may not have been good for her before will likely stabilize for her, and she can expect a kind of rebirth (in a good sense) for her health.

Iroha's luck is neither good nor bad, it's more about Iroha tempering her expectations when it comes to matters relating to luck. She'll likely be disappointed if she dreams a bit too big in matters related to gambling.

In respect to work, Iroha should make sure she listens to details of work she receives as things may stray from expectations.

Mio's advice to Iroha is value relationships she has with people. Her interactions with others will lead to a positive direction for her. She also don't give up easily on things, and think things through to find alternative solutions.



General - Death (U) Health - 6 of Pentacles (R) Work - Knight of Cups (U) Luck - Death (R) Advice - King of Pentacles (U)

2025 is a year of new beginnings for Polka. She can probably expect a lot of changes, and perhaps we'll see a new Polka this year.

Polka's fortune regarding her health warns her against being excessively concerned about health. Monitoring it too much may cause her problems.

Polka can improve her luck by doing things in a new way.

Mio's advice to Polka is to do things at her own pace, and aim for success. While she shouldn't stress over things, she should also be proactive and not just accept "whatever will be will be," she can take control. Also, she should manage money carefully.